Research Shows Some Rolling Papers Have High Levels of Heavy Metals

Research Shows Some Rolling Papers Have High Levels of Heavy Metals

Recent research findings show that many brands of rolling paper designed for smoking weed contain high levels of potentially dangerous heavy metals. Paper rolls with dice or metal tips are especially dangerous, and studies have found that some brands contain enough copper to be harmful to heavy cannabis consumers.

the studyThe study, conducted by researchers in Lake Superior State University’s Department of Chemistry, examined the heavy metal content of dozens of commercially available rolling papers and preassembled paper cones. The authors note that many of the samples purchased for the study were colored to make them appear more appealing to consumers than standard white rolling papers.

The researchers analyzed various samples for the presence of 26 different compounds that can cause adverse health effects. Most of them are heavy metals. The researchers measured the amount of compounds in the rolling paper using standard chemical analysis tests, including one that burns the product and measures the amount of heavy metals in the smoke that enters the user’s lungs.

Investigation of copper, chromium, and vanadium detected in some rolling papers

Analytical results varied widely for each product tested. Some samples contained low levels of heavy metals, while others contained very high levels of heavy metals that could pose a risk to consumers who use them frequently. Elevated concentrations of copper were detected in many of the colored samples, particularly in the blue and green cones, likely derived from the pigments used to create the bright hues.

Other samples had elevated levels of the heavy metals chromium and vanadium. Some cones contain large amounts of antimony, which researchers say is likely because this element is used as a catalyst to produce polyethylene terephthalate (PET) at the tip. Ta.

This study highlights potential health risks that many consumers may not be aware of. Derek Wright, an environmental scientist at Lake Superior State University and co-author of the study, said most people who use rolling paper think it’s safe.

“Most consumers seem to think someone in government has to regulate this.” Mr. Wright said. Chemistry and Engineering News.

Researchers point out that it is not difficult for manufacturers of rolling papers and cones to remove heavy metals during production. Ideally, many compounds could be completely eliminated from the manufacturing process. In doing so, the risks faced by consumers would be reduced, the authors of the research note said.

“None of these components are needed,” Wright said.

Wright added that reducing the risks associated with cannabis use is especially important for medical cannabis patients.

“We have people at risk, people who may already have serious illnesses such as cancer, who are using marijuana for pain management and who are then at risk.” “They could be exposed to what is considered to be,” Wright said.

The researchers recommended that state legislatures and other policy makers take note of the study’s findings and introduce regulations to force rolling paper and cone manufacturers to reduce the levels of heavy metals in their products.

“Additional efforts by state regulators to reach agreement on limits for toxic ingredients in cannabis and smoking papers, as well as additional research to determine exposure based on realistic patterns of use, will justified based on our findings,” the study authors said in their paper. Conclusion.

Daniel Curtis, an analytical and atmospheric chemist at California State University, Fullerton, who was not involved in the study, said this is the first time he has investigated the heavy metal content of rolling papers designed specifically for cannabis. He said the research was valuable. It has been used.

“This is a really important study,” Curtis said, adding that additional studies need to be conducted to determine how much of the heavy metals in rolling papers are incorporated into the smoke during use.

“We know that cannabis use is on the rise,” Curtis said. “If we can identify where potentially toxic chemicals are coming from, we can ultimately use that information to make safer products.”

Chris M.

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